Archangel Gabriel
Communicated Via Lotus Fire (Published in Nov. 2010 Sedona Journal of Emergence)
“Greetings Precious Ones, I am Archangel Gabriel, Lord of the Moon, Ruler of the Inner and the Outer Tides
Know this: Consciousness is everything. It is everywhere. Nothing exists but consciousness. Everything else is illusion. Many of you have come close to this information when you have thought about the space between molecules, the space in between atoms, the space between electrons and protons. Those of you who are aware that there actually are no particles but only energy in movement swirling around other energy, and swirling around other energy infinitely, have wondered, “Then what is this made of which we perceive as solid objects?” The answer is that what all this is made of is Consciousness. The space which Consciousness inhabits runs through everything from the tiniest speck on the floor of the sea to the farthest reaches of the cosmos. It is the medium which connects everything flowing seamlessly everywhere, and is the only reality. Everything is created and held in place by Consciousness. Therefore as you Creator Gods focus your beloved gift called consciousness, you too create. By focusing your consciousness individually or in groups, you have different intensities of ability to create. When all of you focus your consciousness, especially paired with emotion or feeling, you can more easily and quickly “create” a group reality. Yes, you have heard this before. But let me expand on this for you.
You are not so much creating a new reality as you are moving into another one that already exists. For there is not but one reality, there are infinite numbers of parallel realities in which you exist. To say this another way, there are infinite versions of you already in existence living different lives. Some of you have seen evidence this briefly in dreams. If you decide to match the frequency of your consciousness to a parallel reality, either individually or as a group, to one in which you wish to exist, you can. It is not so daunting to realize that you are not creating an entirely new reality, but sliding over into a different yet parallel one—one which you would prefer to inhabit. Large numbers of you can do this together, or a single person can do it individually, by shifting your resonant frequency so that you vibrate with a preferred parallel. And it can happen either instantly or gradually.
Here is an example. If large numbers of people react to a “disaster” of some sort with fear, and focus on worst case scenarios and spread these fears like the fictional character, Chicken Little, screaming “The sky is falling,” then as a group you will shift into the worst case scenario reality. If on the other hand you focus, meditate, and align your energies with an outcome in which something positive is the result of this “disaster” such as the result that new tools will be created to solve similar problems in the future, that a solution to the problems will be found quickly, that people will receive food shelter and clothing easily, that there will be a minimum loss of life and destruction and property, this is the reality with which you will align yourselves. You will slip into that reality seamlessly.
When the oil spill occurred in the Gulf of Mexico there were those who spread terror- inducing videos and doom and gloom predictions, telling others to move away from the Gulf, and a few even predicting extinction of the race. These people were unwittingly planting seed-fear in everyone who received their communications. It is not being suggested that anyone “hide their heads in the sand” and pretend that their reality does not exist. On the contrary, it is perfectly fine to understand what is actually going on in the reality you currently inhabit, so long as when these potentially terrifying communications are sent some sort of suggestion is made as to how one might react positively to this information to shift outcomes. Simply spreading fear is not an option as you expand toward your multidimensional selves and grow in power. It is the duty and responsibility of anyone sending out mass communications of material which has a high probability of being frightening information to give the recipients positive suggestions as to how to handle the information. For example, describe a possible positive outcome. Remind the recipients of mass communications that if they want to experience a miracle, then join in and focus joyously in meditation on the end result desired. See the Gulf of Mexico’s waters quickly clear, clean and healthy, filled with marine life! Rejoice in this end result as if you already have it! Include in your communications a link to a meditation, for example, to help the recipient to focus his/her energy on a positive outcome. Merely spreading terror is unadvisable because it plants seeds of terror in the recipients, many of whom are not yet evolved enough on their path to realize they have another choice other than to react fearfully. At the same time, if anyone wishes to remain on a path toward a reality that you do not prefer, they have the right to do so. Each of you is sovereign.
Now align yourself with the knowledge that at the time of this transmission, most of the oil in the Gulf has been cleaned up due in part to the hard physical work done in the Gulf and at its edges (the land), and also due to the conscious efforts of those who focused on a miraculous outcome. One of the facets of this miracle has been that a particular deep sea microbe previously unknown to mankind has adapted itself to warmer waters and proliferated in the Gulf of Mexico, devouring much of the oil. It has done so without depleting the water of oxygen, which would have endangered other animal species. Indeed a miracle has occurred! The microbes were assisted in their ability to devour the oil due to the use of chemical dispersants, which made more surface area of the petroleum available to the microbes. Kudos are sent to all those persons who are focusing on a positive outcome to the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. This has been a training exercise.
It is also advisable to explain this concept of focused intention gently to your friends and family. Why? Because it is a phenomenon of consciousness—a constant of nature, and if it is understood, each person’s experience of Earth is enhanced. Explain gently. Here is how ideas often become one’s own. The idea is proposed by someone else, and the recipient allows it to swirl around in the back of their mind for a few months, and then it becomes a belief or idea of their own. All one need do is lovingly plant the positive seed thought. Allow the loved one to do what he/she will with that seed. Trust the outcome.
So you can see that seed thoughts are important, and each human is wise to be intentional and take responsibility for the ones which they plant in others and nurture in themselves.
I am the Archangel Gabriel, loving and blessing you, O Precious Ones!”
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Compassion, The Power of Sound, and the Waters of Your Body
Monday, July 26, 2010
Channeled at Mt. Shasta, California – Bunny Flat at Morning’s First Light
Greetings, O Precious Ones, I am Gabriel, Lord of the Moon, Ruler of the Inner and the Outer Tides.
On The Nature of Compassion
As Ruler of the Inner Tides, which in part refers to the waters and the emotions of your body, I wish to speak with you on the nature of compassion. There is some confusion on your plane as to what compassion is and what it is not. Compassion does not mean that one is to feel another’s feelings, to cry when they cry, to hurt when they hurt. Such behavior is not compassion, but merely an absence of good emotional boundaries. Good emotional boundaries are becoming ever more important in the ascension process. Knowing where your energy field stops and the next person’s field begins is of vital emotional importance to each of you. This knowing makes it possible for you to progress without blending or merging your feelings or issues with those of another person. To take on another’s feelings is ill-advised. Each of you has his/her emotional work to do, and need not take on the tasks of another. This taking on of another’s emotions or issues might relieve the other person temporarily, but it is not in your best interest. At the same time, are you attempting to do for another what is necessary for him/her to do for themselves as part of their own healing on the path of ascension? If one does this for another person, one is not being compassionate nor helping the other person, but is actually hindering the other person by preventing him from learning to handle his own emotional issues. The compassionate thing to do is to step back, without any emotional involvement of your own, and mirror back to the other person what it seems they are feeling/experiencing at the time. This is best done without rescuing them in any way; without taking on the other person’s problems or emotions. When you take on the other person’s emotions it is like catching a hot potato in your bare hands. You will know that you have taken on their emotions if they feel better after the encounter, and you are feeling worse than before the encounter. If you have caught their “hot potato”, their hands are no longer burning but yours are. Where is the justice in this? There is none.
In every situation there are lessons to be learned for each individual, and if one prevents another from their learning, one may indeed simply be creating more karma with that person. We are speaking of adults in this case, and not very young children, who need family support and guidance. This is not a time when it is advised for anyone to create but rather to clear karma with other adults.
Yet extending a helping hand to others less fortunate by giving to charities, purchasing items from economically deprived areas, or making micro-loans to persons in economically depressed areas, these are advisable actions to take. Helping others who have been the victims of natural disasters—these are also advisable behaviors. This is different than emotionally rescuing a person who is in your immediate sphere and who is posturing as a victim, emotionally or in other ways. Bailing out a floundering friend who through his/her own choices and actions have landed her/him in a particular situation is not your job. Rescuing them is more likely to prevent the learning of their lessons, whatever those lessons may be. I speak here of friends or acquaintances who are repeatedly in crisis or in trouble of some form and always need your help. These persons frequently take advantage of others as a primary emotional patterning. It is not in your best interest or in theirs for you to continue to rescue them. It is far better to allow them to learn to solve their own problems. These problems are lessons constructed for their soul’s growth.
Where a “victim” is being rescued there is a twin-edged sword of lessons not learned. In the rescuer’s case it is about learning to stop interfering with another’s path to perfection. In the victim’s situation the unlearned lesson it is in deciding to never handle matters, but rather to turn to others to help them as they fall again and again, whatever the format they choose to employ. Self-mastery and independence are what are needed.
So the compassionate person will teach this person to fish, rather than give him fishes. Teach her to solve her own dilemmas. If the person continues to look sad and pitiful, know that this is a method often employed to manipulate someone into solving their problems. If this is the case, stand strong in your own personal power and compassionately say no. This is the kindest thing of all to do. The compassionate thing is not always the easiest thing to do. Compassionate prayer for the individual learning the lessons is another positive action one can take.
The Emotional Waters of Your Body
Listening to constant complaints from others is a subtle form of rescuing. Yet be advised that sound carries frequency, and so angry, upset or sad words carry a specific frequency. The waters of the physical body pick up the frequency of the sounds that impact it—from jets overhead to lawnmowers, jackhammers, traffic sounds, bad news on the computer or television, or angry or whining, complaining voices of friends or neighbors. These sounds impact the waters of your body, each in a specific way. It is your duty to protect the waters of your body. Sounds coming from wind blowing through trees, birds twittering, the sound of water lapping at the shore, beautiful music, words of love—these sounds also impact the water of your body, and there is water in every cell of your body. Sound is food. What sounds will you feed the cells of your body today?
Even if you plug up your ears and cannot hear the words, discordant sounds will hit your body and affect your every cell. Studies done in Japan by Dr. Emoto have scientifically demonstrated that frequency affects water. Most of your body is comprised of water, therefore any vibration or frequency that touches your body, moving through the air or water or any other medium, affects your body. In Dr. Emoto’s studies frequencies coming from words like love, peace, gratitude or pleasing music affected the ice crystals formed from the water exposed to these frequencies. These crystals were beautifully symmetrical and perfectly formed. Ice crystals created from water exposed to discordant frequencies were not symmetrical, but were mutilated in appearance, showing no sacred geometry in their formation. Thoughts also have a vibration and a frequency, even if not spoken aloud. These are called sub-vocal sounds, and are extremely powerful.
An so it is for the simple reason—elegantly demonstrated by Dr. Emoto’s divinely guided study—one can see why it is important not to be exposed to the onslaught of discordant frequencies offered up daily. There are those frequencies you cannot control, but there are those which you can. You cannot stop jets overhead or traffic noises in urban areas, but you can decline to be exposed to bad news on television or another person’s litany of complaints, and your own negative self-talk. It is then obvious that until the lessons are learned, some people can actually have a toxic affect upon others. These are not “bad” people— just uninformed. One can choose whether or not to expose oneself to such a type of toxic environment; one can choose whether or not to personally create such an environment as well.
Neutrality and the Silent Observer
Compassion begins with remaining emotionally neutral so that one can observe self and others in order to notice patterns of behavior. It is important first to get in touch with the Silent Observer within. If one has an old pattern of rescuing “victims” who are also living out of a life pattern learned at an early age, one must be a Silent Observer of his own process. In this case, only one person has to break out of this cycle to end it. One cannot end the cycle on behalf of the other person, but only on behalf of oneself.
How does this apply to the Lightworker or Healer? Profound compassion requires listening from a neutral space, an objective space with no emotional involvement. Be a silent witness to the story—but not repeatedly. Repeating the story session to session indicates the client is wallowing in the story and downloading emotion, which will almost always stop their doing anything about the situation they are wanting to change. The wheels are spinning but the car is stuck. They are re-traumatizing themselves and the waters of their bodies in the re-telling and becoming the story over again. Although the healer’s not allowing the constant repetition of a story of woundedness or helplessness may sound cruel to some, it is actually compassionate. It will help the client break out of the pattern of re-traumatizing herself and identifying with her wounds.
Healers have the right and the duty to protect their bodily waters from too much negativity from the same client. If she does not self-protect, the healer finds herself in the situation which is called “burn-out.” The compassionate healer has compassion for Self as well as others, and engages regularly in self-care techniques. From sitting under a tree reading a book, to bathing with candles and soft music, to getting a massage, or perhaps going on a rigorous bike ride or a jog in the woods—please do whatever self-care restores and feeds your Soul. It is each one’s compassionate duty to Self to feed the Soul so that one does not become burned-out.
Beyond these forms of compassion covered this time there are others. However, it is true that many persons have needed to hear these specific words now. Speaking one’s own truth while coming from a loving space in alignment with Source is the most ideal way to deal with someone who wants to play victim and elicit a rescuer. Again truly, the compassionate thing to do is not the easiest thing to do, until it becomes an established pattern.
I am Gabriel, Lord of the Moon, Ruler of the Inner and Outer Tides, loving, embracing and blessing each and every one of you as you travel this path of ascension.
Channeled at Mt. Shasta, California – Bunny Flat at Morning’s First Light
Greetings, O Precious Ones, I am Gabriel, Lord of the Moon, Ruler of the Inner and the Outer Tides.
On The Nature of Compassion
As Ruler of the Inner Tides, which in part refers to the waters and the emotions of your body, I wish to speak with you on the nature of compassion. There is some confusion on your plane as to what compassion is and what it is not. Compassion does not mean that one is to feel another’s feelings, to cry when they cry, to hurt when they hurt. Such behavior is not compassion, but merely an absence of good emotional boundaries. Good emotional boundaries are becoming ever more important in the ascension process. Knowing where your energy field stops and the next person’s field begins is of vital emotional importance to each of you. This knowing makes it possible for you to progress without blending or merging your feelings or issues with those of another person. To take on another’s feelings is ill-advised. Each of you has his/her emotional work to do, and need not take on the tasks of another. This taking on of another’s emotions or issues might relieve the other person temporarily, but it is not in your best interest. At the same time, are you attempting to do for another what is necessary for him/her to do for themselves as part of their own healing on the path of ascension? If one does this for another person, one is not being compassionate nor helping the other person, but is actually hindering the other person by preventing him from learning to handle his own emotional issues. The compassionate thing to do is to step back, without any emotional involvement of your own, and mirror back to the other person what it seems they are feeling/experiencing at the time. This is best done without rescuing them in any way; without taking on the other person’s problems or emotions. When you take on the other person’s emotions it is like catching a hot potato in your bare hands. You will know that you have taken on their emotions if they feel better after the encounter, and you are feeling worse than before the encounter. If you have caught their “hot potato”, their hands are no longer burning but yours are. Where is the justice in this? There is none.
In every situation there are lessons to be learned for each individual, and if one prevents another from their learning, one may indeed simply be creating more karma with that person. We are speaking of adults in this case, and not very young children, who need family support and guidance. This is not a time when it is advised for anyone to create but rather to clear karma with other adults.
Yet extending a helping hand to others less fortunate by giving to charities, purchasing items from economically deprived areas, or making micro-loans to persons in economically depressed areas, these are advisable actions to take. Helping others who have been the victims of natural disasters—these are also advisable behaviors. This is different than emotionally rescuing a person who is in your immediate sphere and who is posturing as a victim, emotionally or in other ways. Bailing out a floundering friend who through his/her own choices and actions have landed her/him in a particular situation is not your job. Rescuing them is more likely to prevent the learning of their lessons, whatever those lessons may be. I speak here of friends or acquaintances who are repeatedly in crisis or in trouble of some form and always need your help. These persons frequently take advantage of others as a primary emotional patterning. It is not in your best interest or in theirs for you to continue to rescue them. It is far better to allow them to learn to solve their own problems. These problems are lessons constructed for their soul’s growth.
Where a “victim” is being rescued there is a twin-edged sword of lessons not learned. In the rescuer’s case it is about learning to stop interfering with another’s path to perfection. In the victim’s situation the unlearned lesson it is in deciding to never handle matters, but rather to turn to others to help them as they fall again and again, whatever the format they choose to employ. Self-mastery and independence are what are needed.
So the compassionate person will teach this person to fish, rather than give him fishes. Teach her to solve her own dilemmas. If the person continues to look sad and pitiful, know that this is a method often employed to manipulate someone into solving their problems. If this is the case, stand strong in your own personal power and compassionately say no. This is the kindest thing of all to do. The compassionate thing is not always the easiest thing to do. Compassionate prayer for the individual learning the lessons is another positive action one can take.
The Emotional Waters of Your Body
Listening to constant complaints from others is a subtle form of rescuing. Yet be advised that sound carries frequency, and so angry, upset or sad words carry a specific frequency. The waters of the physical body pick up the frequency of the sounds that impact it—from jets overhead to lawnmowers, jackhammers, traffic sounds, bad news on the computer or television, or angry or whining, complaining voices of friends or neighbors. These sounds impact the waters of your body, each in a specific way. It is your duty to protect the waters of your body. Sounds coming from wind blowing through trees, birds twittering, the sound of water lapping at the shore, beautiful music, words of love—these sounds also impact the water of your body, and there is water in every cell of your body. Sound is food. What sounds will you feed the cells of your body today?
Even if you plug up your ears and cannot hear the words, discordant sounds will hit your body and affect your every cell. Studies done in Japan by Dr. Emoto have scientifically demonstrated that frequency affects water. Most of your body is comprised of water, therefore any vibration or frequency that touches your body, moving through the air or water or any other medium, affects your body. In Dr. Emoto’s studies frequencies coming from words like love, peace, gratitude or pleasing music affected the ice crystals formed from the water exposed to these frequencies. These crystals were beautifully symmetrical and perfectly formed. Ice crystals created from water exposed to discordant frequencies were not symmetrical, but were mutilated in appearance, showing no sacred geometry in their formation. Thoughts also have a vibration and a frequency, even if not spoken aloud. These are called sub-vocal sounds, and are extremely powerful.
An so it is for the simple reason—elegantly demonstrated by Dr. Emoto’s divinely guided study—one can see why it is important not to be exposed to the onslaught of discordant frequencies offered up daily. There are those frequencies you cannot control, but there are those which you can. You cannot stop jets overhead or traffic noises in urban areas, but you can decline to be exposed to bad news on television or another person’s litany of complaints, and your own negative self-talk. It is then obvious that until the lessons are learned, some people can actually have a toxic affect upon others. These are not “bad” people— just uninformed. One can choose whether or not to expose oneself to such a type of toxic environment; one can choose whether or not to personally create such an environment as well.
Neutrality and the Silent Observer
Compassion begins with remaining emotionally neutral so that one can observe self and others in order to notice patterns of behavior. It is important first to get in touch with the Silent Observer within. If one has an old pattern of rescuing “victims” who are also living out of a life pattern learned at an early age, one must be a Silent Observer of his own process. In this case, only one person has to break out of this cycle to end it. One cannot end the cycle on behalf of the other person, but only on behalf of oneself.
How does this apply to the Lightworker or Healer? Profound compassion requires listening from a neutral space, an objective space with no emotional involvement. Be a silent witness to the story—but not repeatedly. Repeating the story session to session indicates the client is wallowing in the story and downloading emotion, which will almost always stop their doing anything about the situation they are wanting to change. The wheels are spinning but the car is stuck. They are re-traumatizing themselves and the waters of their bodies in the re-telling and becoming the story over again. Although the healer’s not allowing the constant repetition of a story of woundedness or helplessness may sound cruel to some, it is actually compassionate. It will help the client break out of the pattern of re-traumatizing herself and identifying with her wounds.
Healers have the right and the duty to protect their bodily waters from too much negativity from the same client. If she does not self-protect, the healer finds herself in the situation which is called “burn-out.” The compassionate healer has compassion for Self as well as others, and engages regularly in self-care techniques. From sitting under a tree reading a book, to bathing with candles and soft music, to getting a massage, or perhaps going on a rigorous bike ride or a jog in the woods—please do whatever self-care restores and feeds your Soul. It is each one’s compassionate duty to Self to feed the Soul so that one does not become burned-out.
Beyond these forms of compassion covered this time there are others. However, it is true that many persons have needed to hear these specific words now. Speaking one’s own truth while coming from a loving space in alignment with Source is the most ideal way to deal with someone who wants to play victim and elicit a rescuer. Again truly, the compassionate thing to do is not the easiest thing to do, until it becomes an established pattern.
I am Gabriel, Lord of the Moon, Ruler of the Inner and Outer Tides, loving, embracing and blessing each and every one of you as you travel this path of ascension.
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