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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

September 2008 - AAGabriel Transmission

Archangel Gabriel
Lord of the moon, Ruler of the Inner and Outer Tides

Future Happenings 2009 and Beyond
September, 2008

via Lotus Fire

Greetings, O Precious Ones. I am Gabriel, Lord of the moon, Ruler of the Inner and the Outer Tides. And so you ask, what may we expect to see in what humanity terms the time called the year 2009 - and beyond? Many changes. Some of which will only begin to express their beginnings in 2009, and so may go unnoticed. There will be greater knowledge of underground installations left from thousands of years ago, from cultures which existed then, and of which you have no written record. Many of these you will have no previous knowledge of having existed, even verbally. Much spiritual-technology will be hidden in these underground installations. It will merely be for humanity to take off the blinders of their own projections in order to understand the functioning of these delicate and powerful installations. Many were temples for the populace, and may be used as such again. Many were initiatory chambers for priests and shamans and may be used as such again for all who are interested, because as humanity continues in the ascensional process, the average person may choose to develop his or her own shamanic abilities, for indeed they lie dormant within each human.

Many of these underground temple complexes are acoustical in nature. They will be found in many places on the planet. Some attention will be drawn to the Andes Mountains, however, in 2009, for acoustical properties will begin to become unraveled as to their purpose and function in temples there. Purpose and functions being many, including healing, balancing of male and female energies within the individual, opening of etheric portals within the auric field to allow certain energies in and others out of the body/mind/spirit continuum, for cleansing and purging purposes, and more. Many of these underground complexes were used in concert with teacher plants, the use of which will become an object of greater scientific curiosity and study. But science will not uncover what the human heart can uncover simply by experiencing teacher plants under the proper supervision of a highly trained shaman.

Now that the White Snake of the World Kundalini is safely nestled below the Andes Mountains, many teachings will be coming forth from this region of the world. And they will be coming forth with greater frequency through the female shamen of the world, and particularly of this region. Again, more and more cultures will begin to realize the importance of teacher plants to their cultural and spiritual health, and more and more persons will avail themselves of this type of ceremony, again directed safely by highly trained indigenous shamen. For the indigenous shamen are the ones who hold the keys to gleaning the appropriate experience from the teacher plants. These plants must be used with the ceremonial context and are not for recreational use.

Another important recognition where drugs are concerned is concerning what you term “the developing countries”. In an attempt to prevent drug-addiction in their cultures, many developing countries have severely curtailed the ability of poor people who are dying of horrific, painful diseases to access opiates such as morphene in their dying days. You will see a reverse in this. These cultures will begin to see that it is equally important to ease the pain of the dying, as it is to prevent drug addiction in the populace.

Additionally, there will be more and more healing techniques utilizing sound, and there will be greater understanding of the relationship between sound and light and other energetic frequencies, such as soliton waves emitted by the healer, in the healing process. There will be emerging illnesses which will appear, and no one in the conventional medical community will be able to identify or treat them. Yet they will be treatable using energy medicine. More and more energy medicine practitioners will be coming in contact in their healing rooms with Lightbeings who direct the work, or assist in the work, or do some of the work in extra-dimensional realms which the human cannot yet access alone, while the human healer does his or her work in the three-dimensional realm. There will be partnerships between humans and Lightbeings in the healing setting, and this tendency will be growing. Some of these Lightbeings will be instructing humans in the use of sound, light, mild electrical currents, such as those found in the ionic footbaths, and other frequencies, in the healing process. Some of this will be channeled material. Some of this will be ego-based “snake oil”. Humans must develop discernment in their selection of healers. Look to the results.

Again, difficult to measure, but greater numbers of humans will begin to meditate as it becomes more and more obvious the need to develop the intuitive skills which come as a side-effect of regular meditation. Confusion exists between meditation, contemplation and prayer in the general populace. Greater clarity is needed as to what is meditation. Many techniques exist. There are basically two types of meditation. One goes within. And one goes outward. The guided visual meditation goes outward. Many forms of meditation, such as focusing on the third eye and moving toward the center of a circle in the third eye, or focusing upon the breathing, are inward meditations. Doing both inward and outward meditation, is the perfect balance. Doing only one is not as balanced as doing both types. Yet to do one is better than to do none.

It is also important not to over-meditate unless one is in a monastery or under some other form of close supervision. For the average mind, the optimal time for meditation is twenty to thirty minutes morning and evening, unless under supervision. It is possible to over-meditate, with unpleasant consequences.

There will be more, on the planet, of purging. Planetary purging as well as life-form purging. For example, there will be more massive storms, earthquakes and the like. This is not said to bring on fear, but to bring on preparations. Perhaps you have been considering moving, perhaps you simply need to have plenty of food, water and candles and the like on hand. Perhaps it is time to consider not rebuilding coastal cities which keep being inundated by hurricanes. This storm process is the Earth purging herself, and it is tied very directly to the emotional state of the humans on this planet. There is a direct relationship between the emotional state of humanity, because you are co-creators, and the weather patterns. Gaia is a conscious being, and she is also ascending. She is releasing energies as she ascends, and they interact not only with your sun and the other planets, but also with the consciousness of humanity. This is a delicate balance and an intricate one, which will only be understood much later.

Within the Plant Kingdom, there will be plants which are lost, becoming extinct; this in part due to Earth’s purging, as well as to genetic engineering that has already been released onto the planet, and is being spread worldwide through winds and pollination. There are that those at work now attempting to reverse those miscreations. Some of them that work on this are not of this world, yet they have not permission to interfere at this point with Gaia’s Plant Kingdom. They hope to have permission at a later date, and they will have when the time is correct.

There are animals which will evolve out of existence and others which will adapt to the changing environment and continue to exist. Again this is a form of purgation. Human beings will be also releasing certain forms of frequencies held for aeons within the human race, and they will be released through diseases expressing through groups and expressing through individuals. This is part of the purgation process, and is what you term natural. It is all a process of moving toward a higher vibrational frequency and the “shaking off” of that which does not match the new frequency, and while it will not feel comfortable at the time, know that it is indeed a natural process for the times. When the seed comes up from beneath the ground, it shakes off the seed casing and transforms itself to a very, very different thing. It no longer needs the seed casing. But that pressure from the inside that cracks open the seed casing and causes the plant to shiver and quake as it breaks open into the light from inside the seed casing, this must seem violent and difficult to the tender little seedling at the time. And yet for it to become a mighty tree, this is a part of the natural process.

Energy technologies brought to the planet by Nicola Tesla via communication with beings from Sirius, thought to be lost in the fire when Tesla’s laboratory was burned, were not. Instead, they were secreted away by someone else, and preserved, and will be revealed for the use of humankind. It has finally been realized that to use these in a diabolical fashion would destroy everyone, not just some. Thus it has been realized at the highest levels of what you would term the “power-brokers” that those who once thought to control all of humanity may not do so without harming themselves as well. And soon it will be realized that squeezing the last drop from the oil-fields is not possible. These free energy technologies will then be released. At first only bits and pieces of the information will be released or “discovered.” None will ever admit to having withheld this information from humanity. Individuals will continue to experiment with running their vehicles on alternative fuels, “bootlegging”, as it were. Which will cause a groundswell, a grassroots movement, starting primarily in California, but these ideas spreading rapidly elsewhere, now that you have your internet. Trickles of this trend are there now. Depending upon oil to power your lives becomes less and less attractive, and just as suddenly and unexpectedly as the Soviet Union seemed to crumble, so will the Oil Empire crumble.

The Canadians will be the ones who develop the warning system for the birds and the bats so that wind power may be fully used without the decimation of life in the air. This will be a sound technology similar to deer whistles mounted on automobiles used in the American Southwest to warn deer of approaching vehicles; the frequency is inaudible to humans.

Also, in 2009 there will be the beginnings of an understanding of the causes of increase in certain, but not all, central nervous system disorders such as autism in children. Exposure to “shagging and fragging frequencies” as some call them, the unregulated, irregularly shaped waves of frequencies such as those emitted by cell phones, computers, cell phone towers, electrical high tension wires, high definition televisions, and other electronic devices including the massive amount of wi-fi in your public places is highly problematic for your own frequencies. This unregulated havoc is causing an increase in autism in children, and also an increase in certain other central nervous system disorders as well in adults. But the fetus, infants and small children are particularly vulnerable given the delicate and fragile state of their developing nervous systems. Protective devices exist already which may be used to neutralize these frequencies.

More and more city-dwellers, North Americans and others, will be moving to the countryside to create their own infrastructures so that they are assured of pure water, clean air, and an absence of excessive unregulated electromagnetic fields which are damaging to them and their children. They will grow their own foods and have their own small herds. Once again this will become an agrarian society, and the trend will begin to become evident in 2009. Many North Americans will also begin to emigrate to other countries for a variety of reasons, starting in 2009.

The “Dark Night Movement” will become more popular, with more and more cities turning off all their lights for one evening all over the globe, until it becomes a ritual, and expands to more than one night. During these rituals, when you once again begin to see yourselves in relationship to the cosmos by looking to the heavens and seeing what is there instead of blinding yourselves by turning on your city lights, you will begin to see in the heavens certain things that are there in addition to the stars. For indeed, there are many other things there now that you have not been able to see for you have been blinding yourselves with your lights, rather like a child shining a flashlight into their own eyes, and then trying to see in the dark. (Lengthy laughter.) We watch you. In many ways as though you were small children, and we love you and we find some of your antics adorable, as you would say, and amusing.

Next year will see the beginning of a time when a larger segment of society will no longer have anywhere to hide in terms of their denial that other lifeforms exist in other star systems. Something is happening in 2009 which will make deniability of this fact obsolete. Yes, something is happening that will make it impossible for sane human beings to deny that there are beings from other star systems in existence. These beings are not coming to fix your messes. They will, however, assist you with tools which will allow you to fix some of your own messes. Yet understand, deliverance is not coming from above; it is coming from within.

These complete my words for this day. I am Gabriel, Lord of the Moon, Ruler of the Inner and Outer Tides. And we lovingly await you with arms stretched wide, as you continue your ascensional process, O Precious Ones.

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